Back to News & Advice for Driveway & Garden Gates How to Maintain Wooden Garage Doors

How to Maintain Wooden Garage Doors

Wooden garage doors are aesthetically pleasing, but regular maintenance is needed to keep them this way.

Here at BK Timber, we are happy to advise on the best ways to maintain them, which is why we have put together this handy guide so you get all the information you need in one place.

4 Steps to Garage Door Maintenance Success

Keep Doors Clean! – For both the front and back of your wooden garage door, BK Timber would recommend using a cloth with hot water and soap. This removes any dust and dirt which makes the wood look dull and worn plus it will spruce it up with just a quick wipe down. Re-staining the wood will become less regular by cleaning your door.

Lubricate Mechanisms – Every couple of months you should check the mechanisms on your garage door to make sure it is adequately oiled. Your doors will need oiling if they become stiff and make a screeching noise when opened or closed. Whilst this is essential, ensure you do not over-oil as this will attract dirt and affect its performance.

Re-Sanding and Refinishing – Re-sanding should take place every three to five years, and will get your doors looking exactly like the day they were installed. Refinishing the surface will also maintain its quality following harsh seasons of beaming sunshine or heavy snow.

Repaint or Re-Staining – Before taking on this task, make sure all of the task listed above are complete, to ensure a smooth finish.
Repainting (or re-staining) wooden garage doors keeps them looking fantastic and shields them from damage. This can be done regularly unless you clean them often. We would recommend repainting or re-staining once every 12 months or every 2-3 years.

When you do decide to repaint your garage doors, follow these simple steps –

  • Remove any dust, dirt or peeling paint
  • Apply wood filler to deal with cracks or blemishes and leave to dry
  • Sand down the garage door
  • Degrease the door with a special cleaning spray and touch up areas of mildew using a suitable cleaning solution
  • Raise the door and leave to dry
  • Use masking tape to cover handles, walls around the door and any windows
  • Apply wood primer to the entire door and leave to dry
  • Apply paint and overlap strokes to achieve an even finish

Keep on Top of Maintenance

You will keep the longer tasks discussed here at bay if you attend to your wooden garage doors on a regular basis. For example, if you spot any mildew growing, give it a spray and a wipedown. Again, if you spot dirt lingering around the mechanisms wipe this away then re-apply oil.

If your garage door does not open or close, or the tracking alignment/mechanisms are slightly off, or you spot other extensive repairs we would recommend consulting a professional about getting them fixed.

Need More Advice? Get in Touch

If you need any more advice about maintaining your wooden garage doors, please contact BK Timber today.

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